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Becky Whetstone, PhD, LMFT, LPC, SEP

Clinical Psychologist

Licensed Marital and Family Therapist

Licensed Professional Counselor

Somatic Experiencing Practitioner

I’m a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Licensed Professional Counselor who sees adult individuals and families in private practice. I was drawn to Somatic Experiencing because of my interest in trauma work. After graduate school I was looking for more effective tools to help my client get a deeper, lasting result, and found the work of Pia Mellody, author of Facing Codependence. I learned that Pia’s work is one of the most highly valued models for helping people with childhood developmental trauma. I use it daily with unrivaled results. Most therapists with a passion for trauma work become aware of the many interventions available to help people. This is how I found out about Somatic Experiencing.

Like most trauma therapists, I believe healing from trauma involves going within. I have used Pia’s pain reduction techniques and inner child work, Gestalt work and also hypnosis, in addition to traditional talk therapies. These modalities seemingly intertwine in their theories of going within. Somatic Experiencing gives me a very powerful tool to use right along with them.

What I want every client to know, what I tell my family and friends, is that doing trauma work is the best thing you can do for yourself. I personally would not go to a therapist who does not go within to heal trauma. We all need and benefit from it, no matter how knowledgeable we are about it. It’s a lifelong journey, and worth it. One of the things I love about Somatic Experiencing the most is that it has us focus on little pieces at a time, beautifully assuring us that we won’t be retraumatized. You don’t have to relive the experiences you remember to get the healing you need. A Somatic Experiencing practitioner knows how to do this, has experienced it themselves many times, and will be with you every step of the way.


415 N,. McKinley, Suite 540

Little Rock, AR 72205


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